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Another view of the Way to Happiness book source

If you are looking for a single source for your Way to Happiness, you only have to look within. Because the only real source for your happiness is you. No one else can make you happy. No single book or particular world-view or specific religion is going to provide you with all the answers to everything life dishes out.

They can only provide you tools to find your own path, your own route. There is no closely taped path, no guide to tell you to ignore the pretty rocks and take this or that route. You have choices to make. And your own Way to Happiness is just that - your own.

Throw out your past. Streamline your present. Let your future be Now. Part 2:


You have to sort out what your are doing according to what vision you are holding for the rest of your life. What are you constantly working at accomplishing? Your internal vision is what is going to happen to you. If you are constantly having attention on negative items, such as global war, poverty, bills, ill health – that is what you are going to surround yourself with.

You have your purpose, but you have to let it find you. It will find you in those things you really like to do, those things which bring you personal peace of mind, those things which thrill and inspire you to do better things with your life – you are a creative being, it comes with the territory of being human. What you create is in your mind first. Until you get the idea first, you won't get the product. Nothing springs eternal without someone at least having the idea first.

So you have to take the ideas which you can really get behind and then really get behind them. To do this, start cutting out of your life those things which don't make you more peaceful, more serene, more happy, more content. If you get mad at what you see on the news, why are you watching – do you have to watch all the news in order to accomplish what makes you happy? Maybe you only really need the financial news, or the sports news actually thrills you. But do you have to have the commentary and slant? Will what you read and what you watch add to your ability to create that vision you have for your life? If not, get these out of your life. If they do, reinforce these so you get only what you really need out of these.

Streamlining can be simple. For instance, while you like to find out what the sports scores are, if you look them up on the Internet as a summary, you will save some time and be able to quickly find out the specific teams you are interested in. Another example: if you have to keep track of business news, there are sites which enable specific news to be searched for and filtered out (both Google and Yahoo have this, as well as others.) There are add-on's to some browsers which even filter out the ads, like the ones which filter out the spam and viruses from your e-mail.

Streamlining will give you more time and more energy. Saving 3-5 hours of TV watching a day will give you more time to fill your mind with pleasant thoughts and inspirations. If you constantly have pleasant thoughts, you will get pleasant things happening in your life. If you have a mix of noise and pleasant stuff in your head, figure that this is why you have a chaotic environment around you. That's the way the Law of Attraction works within you and around you. Use all that extra time around you to increase the amount of great-feeling stuff in your thoughts and in your life.

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