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Go Thunk Yourself! (tm) - Book Series

Go Thunk Yourself! (tm) - the book

What do

Napoleon Hill - author of Think and Grow Rich,

Norman Vincent Peale - author of The Power of Positive Thinking,

Dale Carnegie - author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, and

Stephen Covey - author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

all have in common?

They all THUNK the same way.

These and other authors discovered the same basic secrets behind wealth, success, and fame.

Each of these authors became wealthy, successful, and famous by applying these secrets.

You can too.

This book's simple 14-day program allows you to re-create your own life, just the way you want it to be! All you have to do is invest some time each day to read these simple chapters and do the exercises.

You can learn these secrets and start taking control over your own life, to start achieving the riches, fame and success you've always dreamed of.

Your Dreams CAN BECOME Reality!

FOLLOWING THE SUCCESS of Go Thunk Yourself!, I continued my research to find a common, simply, widely-applicable way people could move from wherever they were to whatever they wanted to become, to achieve, or to acquire.

That research lead me to uncover many, many other texts which said the same thing - that there was a single underlying system of personal development and self-improvement which anyone could apply in their lives.

Boiling these down into a simple series of steps wasn't easy. But it gave a route and a series of tools which any person could learn, apply, and follow in their lives to re-create their world into anything they wanted it to be.

You see, the underlying truth to humankind, to any person, is that they are unlimited in ability and can acquire or achieve anything they truly want in their lives.


The trick is to enable them to get over their earlier training, habits, and what is commonly called "DNA inheritance". One part of this is that your environment frequently contains the same factors you want to change - so that you are held back by the same people and lifestyle and habits that you want to change.

There is tons more to cover in this subject - and that's why I wrote, edited, and published the books which appear to the right.

Go Thunk Yourself, Again! - You are going to have to change how you think. In this book, I lay out a theory of how people think and why - and how to change the way you think. You can think literally at Internet speed if you want, solving problems in your life faster than you've ever dreamed. This is an essential ability in today's fast-pace, information-swamped world.

Go Thunk Yourself, S'more! - Once you've completed the 14 steps of the original book, and learned how to think for yourself, you are going to need a program to operate from which will reinforce your new world-view. It isn't just cleaning up your room, although this is a part. In this book, I've isolated the tools for you which you can use on a daily basis to reinforce what you've already improved in your life - to make those changes permanent and enable you to continue to expand your abilities and achievements. There are only a handful, but they are powerful - and included in this book.

Go Thunk Yourself, Compleat! - During the course of the above research, I accumulated articles and blog-posts and snippets of data. As well, there was personal progress as I applied these to my own world and saw the results. In this book, I bring together all the essential data from the above three books and update it with new data, new discoveries. And also add more data from hindsight and review. If you really want the inside scoop on how this system works and why, this is the definitive guide.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg - I also made it possible for people to find out for themselves and to cross-check my research. I found, edited, and re-published the same books I had used in my own studies. Other than currently living authors or recent books, I was able to bring a vast amount of these references back into the public arena so anyone could study the classic texts on personal development and self-improvement.

You see these over to the right as well.

As I can, I'll bring more of these back into circulation. And as my research continues, I'll be noting my discoveries on blogs and in articles in order to share these with you.

But you have the more exciting part - for your own personal life is about to change remarkably, forever...



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