Can you get the truth in 2008 Presidential Candidate Election News?

This excerpt from an older blog post was my attempt to understand that nonsense called Washington Beltway. And my predictions for 2006 were certainly off... I leave it up to those who make their money from reporting about it - however, here are the remarks I made at that time:
Hillary, however is working to revamp her image by becoming a hawk and showing her moderate side. This is smart, but it's hollering down the well after it's gone dry.
First, the splintering above has started cutting the support she wanted out from under her. She was counting on McAilleff continuing as party head, through the base that her husband built up over the years. Now, she will be forced to deal with Dean, who is also as smart as a fox and supported by the out-state committees who are blogosphere connected. Again, she is going to have to deal with the hate-Bush crowd, which will turn off many voters as too liberal while energizing others to elect "anybody but Hillary." So she is going to have to make some tough back-room deals to get their support, which will be bitter pills to swallow.
Second, she has a track record which can be easily found on the web. She lied to a Senate committee and also has come out with some pretty bad racist statements (like Gandhi running a gas station) - which will come back to haunt her. While the Republican candidate (probably some southern governor with - hopefully - Condelezza Rice as VP) won't have that baggage to contend with. You see, Hillary wasn't a southernor, she only married one. That's a fact easily brought up. She'll have New York and California's support, but the talk-show hosts are already stacked up against her (O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Hannity and Boortz) - all with really acidic, accurate attacks all well documented.
Hillary won't go anywhere, but will probably run her gauntlet anyway for the Dems. Means they lose in 2008. With Rove working along and the success of the War on Terror, you can count on the Dems losing more seats in 2006, both House and Senate, ensuring a lopsided majority in control, first time since FDR. Figure that some of his New Deal policies will be revised like Welfare was. Government will become more accountable, like the blogosphere is doing to the MSM. The blogosphere will be keeping both sides on their toes and fueling an interest in politics like nothing we have seen before. (Like Easongate and that poor fool reporter ...)
It's not that I have any evil wishes for the Dems. I'm trying to understand the situation as it unfolds. We have to have at least two parties in the US to keep the real checks and balances going. And this is the point of the analysis and research here. If we don't understand how this happened (like history) we are doomed to repeat it. I'm sure the answers won't out in a few months - some might be years before they surface.
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